Why I Almost Didn't Want To Go On Vacation

For the past week, I have been on vacation.
1) I almost didn't want to go.
2) I completely unplugged from my emails.
3) I almost didn't want to come home.
All true.

The short answer is that I got stuck in a mindset. My mind was on go-go-go mode. I felt like I had too much going on to take a vacation, even though it had been planned for quite some time. I felt I needed to stay behind my desk to accomplish more before I could take "time off". This is when I knew I really need to take time-off the most. I was putting others (and tasks) before my own well-being. I couldn't get through to the idea of relaxing, or relate to being relaxed. We shouldn't get to this point, but when we do-- it's time to unplug and take a step back.

I promised myself that, when I set foot on that cruise ship, I was going to stop worrying about work. The only way for me to set work-worries aside is to not check emails. I activated my email vacation auto-responder, stuck to my word, and let myself just relax while on my trip. It worked! I set boundaries and I stuck to what I said I'd do.

The short answer here is that I learned to relax and got used to the idea of "turning it off". I love my home so of course I wanted to return, but being able to breathe and let my mind focus on more light-heartedness made me feel alive. I also love the sun, sand, ocean, meeting people, and learning new things.

I relearned that, the more I go away, the more of me I find.

I found ME again on this vacation. Not that I'm not "me" when I'm not on vacation, I realize I'm just way more "work-me" when I'm not away and I let that Liz completely take over. I'm hardworking, organized, intelligent, educated, calculated, and so on... but I almost forgot how light-hearted, bold, daring, and fun I know I am, too!

Remember that you have to have a life to have work-life balance.

#worklifestyle #worklifebalance#lifecoach #vacation

Crown Bay, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Crown Bay, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Career Change: Weigh Your Options

Have you been thinking about leaving your job for a new position? Have you contemplated switching fields? Ever wonder what it’d be like to change career paths? Do you feel overwhelmed when thinking about a change of scenery? Sit down for ten minutes and give yourself the time to weigh your options. 

Grab a piece of paper and answer the following questions:
-What would be the pros of leaving your position? 
-What would be the cons? 
-How would you benefit from staying? 
-What benefits would come if you left? 
-What have you been interested in doing for a living? 
-What would you never want to do again? 
-What lights you up? 
-What weighs you down? 
-Who could you reach out to that could provide further information to you in regards to the positions you’re interested in? 
-What are your salary requirements? 
-What benefits are important to you? 

Write down your answers and start looking for available positions, according to your work-life preferences. 

It doesn’t hurt to look around! If your gut is telling you it’s time to leave, listen. If it’s only about more money, think harder... 💛 

Liz Strom


Take To Nature

When you're feeling all over the place, going into nature brings a sense of simplicity, allowing space and time for clarity. Without societal and materialistic pressures, you'll better understand what brings you balance, joy, and calm--- as well as what causes you pain, shakiness, and fear. It all helps you to know yourself, and the world around you, better.

No distractions.
No artificiality.
No pushiness.

Just you, fresh air, nature, and time to gather your thoughts.
Clarity will certainly come.

Liz Strom

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico: "Las Salinas"- Pastel hypersaline lagoon | August 2017

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico: "Las Salinas"- Pastel hypersaline lagoon | August 2017