Career Change: Weigh Your Options

Have you been thinking about leaving your job for a new position? Have you contemplated switching fields? Ever wonder what it’d be like to change career paths? Do you feel overwhelmed when thinking about a change of scenery? Sit down for ten minutes and give yourself the time to weigh your options. 

Grab a piece of paper and answer the following questions:
-What would be the pros of leaving your position? 
-What would be the cons? 
-How would you benefit from staying? 
-What benefits would come if you left? 
-What have you been interested in doing for a living? 
-What would you never want to do again? 
-What lights you up? 
-What weighs you down? 
-Who could you reach out to that could provide further information to you in regards to the positions you’re interested in? 
-What are your salary requirements? 
-What benefits are important to you? 

Write down your answers and start looking for available positions, according to your work-life preferences. 

It doesn’t hurt to look around! If your gut is telling you it’s time to leave, listen. If it’s only about more money, think harder... 💛 

Liz Strom


Take To Nature

When you're feeling all over the place, going into nature brings a sense of simplicity, allowing space and time for clarity. Without societal and materialistic pressures, you'll better understand what brings you balance, joy, and calm--- as well as what causes you pain, shakiness, and fear. It all helps you to know yourself, and the world around you, better.

No distractions.
No artificiality.
No pushiness.

Just you, fresh air, nature, and time to gather your thoughts.
Clarity will certainly come.

Liz Strom

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico: "Las Salinas"- Pastel hypersaline lagoon | August 2017

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico: "Las Salinas"- Pastel hypersaline lagoon | August 2017

Creating An Amazing Life

There will be difficult times in life, and there will be amazing times. You have to create as many amazing experiences as possible, with others who want to make life as equally as amazing. 

Plug in those things in life that help you feel the way you want to feel, with those who will say "YES!" to the journey.

You will go through difficult times again, but amazing experiences lay on the other side of those downtimes--- especially if you've created your life to feel that way.

Go get it, with those who also want it!

P.S. A huge shoutout to my girlfriends who helped me to create this experience! Life can feel heavy, but it feels lighter with great friends! 💕

"Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff." -JonKatz

Photography by Virak Chhang | Kimpton Rouge, Washington D.C. | August 2017

Photography by Virak Chhang | Kimpton Rouge, Washington D.C. | August 2017

What Lifts You

We give meaning and emotion to what we see, likewise to the things we hear: art, music, actions...

People's words are *just* words. We are the ones who give them meaning. You can't be offended if you refuse to be offended. You can't be uplifted unless you refuse to be uplifted.

If something/someone makes you feel offended, address what it is that is truly bothering you--- and move through (& past) it.

Look for, and absorb, that which propels you forward and uplifts you.
Artwork: @kelseymontagueart
Mott Street, NYC, 2017