How Women Can Use Online Resources to Be Successful in the Workplace

Being a woman in the workplace can come with a unique set of challenges, but it can also come with some serious rewards if you play your cards right. Look through these tips and resources, and connect when you need professional expertise!

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7 Side Gigs to Make Ends Meet While Recovering From Tough Times

Article by Tina Garcia of Ideas Inspired

We’ve all been through the wringer the past year, but some people have had it tougher than others. If you’ve lost your job, had health issues, had family problems, or any other major stressor on top of our world turning inside out, recovering can be quite challenging — especially if you are also a recovering addict. 

Remember to use healthy coping skills so you can manage stressful situations, and be sure to practice self-care. Eating healthy, exercising, and taking time out for yourself are crucial when in recovery from tough times.

If you need to take on a second job to help make ends meet, or if you need to start a business to get back on your feet, here are a few side gigs you can try.

1. Get Crafty
Making crafts or products you can sell on Etsy is one good way to manage that stress. If you decide to turn your idea into a small business, remember to spend time researching the competition so you can price your products correctly. Focus on commonly used keywords when you’re labeling the product so it shows up often during searches. 

2. Drive On
It may not be your primary source of income, but depending on where you live, driving for Lyft or Uber is a nice way to bring in a little bit of extra money. If you’re a people person, this can be a nice gig where you can meet a variety of different people.

3. Try Housesitting
Some people have used house sitting as a way to do some travel or take a vacation for nearly free, but it’s also a good way to save money on rent. If you’re looking for a job, this can also take some of the stress off during the job-hunting process.

4. Share Your Home
If you own your own property, an alternative to housesitting is renting a part of it out to other tenants or posting it on a site like Airbnb. Most home-sharing options allow you to have the final say in screening visitors. Some sites including Airbnb offer protection options to the renter, so you can share your house with people who will treat it well. 

5. Dog walking
Some pet owners have busy lives. Why not become a dog walker? You can post up signs in your area and advertise yourself as well. The beauty of the internet is that there are many ways to find people who are looking for the kinds of service you offer. You can charge according to the time you spend, from a short 15-minute walk to longer times out.

6. Officiate local sports
Many people who officiate are drawn by two things: a love of the game and a desire to contribute in some way. This work is often on weekends or evenings, so if you have a day job, this might be a simple way to take on a side gig. This is easier if you’re already a part of a league or participate in community sports.

7. Teach music lessons
You might have some skills that you can teach, including music. Perhaps you grew up playing the piano or some other instrument and always took it for granted. You don’t have to be a professional to teach music lessons. Take on a pupil or two and see how much they learn.

Cover Business Essentials

Whatever direction you choose to take, a few business essentials will help ensure your success. Draw up a budget for your new venture, and create a business plan to map out your goals and how you’ll reach them. There are some great templates online that can walk you through these processes, and remember to set up a budget while you’re at it. 

Think about things like whether you’ll be hiring staff and how that will work as well. There are plenty of platforms for hiring freelancers, or if you plan to take on permanent people, there are apps like Quickbooks that will help you process payroll. The easier you can make things on yourself, the more you can focus on both your business and your recovery.

Making a little money on the side doesn’t require a huge bank account or lots of money. Side gigs will give you a chance to grow your network, diversify your work opportunities, expand your horizons and learn a couple of useful new skills. Making ends meet can require a lot of work, but you’ve learned valuable coping and stress management skills that have outfitted you for life success and freedom from addiction.

If you're looking for more information about life or career coaching services, email Liz Strom at

Yes, You Can Start a Business Without Taking a Leap of Faith

Yes, You Can Start a Business Without Taking a Leap of Faith
Article Contributed By Chelsea Lamb, Business POP

The virtues of entrepreneurship are well-known and oft-extolled. For one thing, you enjoy a great deal of flexibility and control over your day-to-day. For another, you can expect to be continually learning as well as exponentially growing as a person and a professional— and, of course, in profit. 

But even with all these likely perks, it’s not rare for one to approach the idea of entrepreneurship with a great deal of trepidation. After all, you could essentially be jumping off the deep end and, in many cases, without a lifeline. However, you do have the choice to make your foray into entrepreneurship with due caution and, in turn, maintain your peace of mind. Let us count the ways.

Start with copious research.

This may be stating the obvious, but yes, you shouldn’t start a business venture without adequate due diligence. There are, in fact, a good number of things you must be privy to if you are to hit the ground running as an entrepreneur. First of all, you’ll need to research your business idea and determine whether there is a market for it. This will lead to market research, which will also give you an idea of what the competition is doing and how to reach your target demographic.

As you navigate the information you’re compiling, never underestimate the power of a well-chosen niche. It’ll help you build branding, hone in on customers, and foster relationships. If you’re at a loss for defining your business’s unique characteristics, connecting with Liz Strom is a smart way to develop a better understanding of your market and opportunities.

Buy what you need with care.

All businesses have core gear simply to do the work. At the most fundamental level, you’ll need to buy tech like hardware and software and, in many cases, furniture, organizational items, and other equipment. 

For best financial practices, prioritize what you truly need immediately, and determine what can wait further down the line. Keep in mind that it’s wise not to scrimp on those elements which are the lifeblood of your business. A trustworthy laptop and/or a top-quality printer will all but ensure that you won’t have to make this expense again for a long time. 

Look into your funding options.

The costs associated with starting a business can leave anyone with the heebie-jeebies, especially if you’re paying for it out-of-pocket. As Camino Financial explains, while there is no one-size-fits-all amount, it isn’t probably as bad as you think; 44 percent of businesses begin with under $5,000. Yet that doesn’t mean it must all derive from your savings.

In order to offset your expenses, consider looking into small business funding to help increase your cash flow and, by extension, your peace of mind. There are many options to consider, ranging from government funding like traditional SBA loans, SBA Express Bridge Loans, and the Main Street Business Lending Program, to non-government financing. Needless to say, finding out your eligibility for small business financing can be a smart move, as these are ready funds that can help you buy equipment, increase inventory, hire manpower, or boost capital. Best of all, it can help alleviate your stress and maybe even make your entrepreneurial journey a truly pleasurable one.

There’s little doubt that entrepreneurship could be your biggest adventure yet. However, there’s no denying how great it will reward you if you do it with care and prudence, as well as take full advantage of the resources accessible to you. Ultimately, that’s just good business savvy, and the moment you start your business, you’ll already be in the process of developing yours.

"How To Build Resilience" on the Pursue Your Spark Podcast

I'm so very honored to have been featured on the Pursue Your Spark Podcast entitled, "How To Build Resilience".

I, along with 11 other beauteous business owners/entrepreneurs impacted by COVID-19, share tips and our own personal experiences to help others. My segment is first, short, and focuses on resume writing and career shifts.

”It’s undeniable that COVID-19 has impacted us all. What differs between us is whether those effects have been mostly positive or mostly negative. In either case, finding the strength, hope, and resources to rise up and prosper during these tumultuous times has left many of us wondering exactly how to build resilience. “

Check it out here:


The Things You Need to Make Your Transition to Remote Work an Easy and Seamless One

The Things You Need to Make Your Transition to Remote Work an Easy and Seamless One
Article submitted by Chelsea Lamb, BusinessPOP

Working from home has been a much-touted way of working since technology has made it possible, and its virtues have only increased in this, the age of social distancing. However, if you’re new to remote work, you may find that it’s also rife with challenges. In fact, if you’re used to working away from your home, such as in a company office, you may even find yourself struggling with the change. Fear not, though, as there are ways to make this transition easy for you. Here are the things you should focus on.

A Dedicated Workspace

The shift to home-based work can make one feel like fish out of the water. Make this transition easier for you by creating a dedicated work environment that fully supports your work needs.

  • You can build a home office even out of a small area, as long as you make space.

  • It’s a good idea to get internet and telephone wiring installed by pros, not only to ensure that it’s done right but so that it’s not an eyesore, as well.

  • Check out great home office ideas to give you inspiration as you build your workspace.

  • Invest in a good desk and other such furniture that’s appropriate for your space.

  • If you’re hard of hearing or have other special needs, also take additional measures to ensure that your home office supports your specific condition and needs.

An Arsenal of Effective Tools

As a newly-minted remote worker, it can be easy to feel isolated, as well as to succumb to myriad distractions. Make your work-from-home life more structured and streamlined with the right apps in your toolset.

A Productive Mindset

Much of remote work is mind over matter, so sustaining the right mindset will keep you focused and creative. Make the effort to maintain healthy routines that not only help in keeping you productive but also in keeping your mental health in check.

  • When dealing with the transition to remote work, as well as the pandemic, you can support your mental well-being with some useful resources from life coach Liz Strom.

  • Having a morning routine can keep the stress and isolation of working from home at bay.

  • It’s also wise to practice self-care to maintain peak productivity and creativity.

Yes, making the transition to remote work can be daunting. However, when you take measures to support this change and really put your heart into it, you may come to like it, in time — and maybe even wonder why it took you so long to make the change.

Mental Well-Being and COVID-19: Resources

If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice. Please visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) online for the most up-to-date information on the Coronavirus:

If you or someone you know is suicidal or in emotional distress, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your confidential and toll-free call goes to the nearest crisis center to provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or online chat
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, & Questioning (LGBTQ) Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386 or online chat
Teen Suicide Hotline (Thursday's Child National Youth Advocacy Hotline): 1-800-USA-KIDS (872-5437)
The Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255, press 1 (or text to 838255) or online chat

Financial Help, Leaving An Abusive Relationship:

The Trevor Site (LGBTQ+ Trevor Lifeline):
The Veterans Crisis:
Thursday’s Child (Teen Suicide Prevention):
You Matter:


Anxiety Coach: (find on the app store on any mobile device)

Anxiety Reliever: (find on the app store on any mobile device)

Breathe2Relax: (find on the app store on any mobile device)

*Calm: (meditation and visuals to aid in calming the mind):

*Happify: (science-based activities and games to help calm the mind for coping/thriving):

*Headspace (meditation as a practice and a coping skill):

iCBT: (coping with depression and anxiety using cognitive-behavioral theory, find on the app store on any mobile device)

*Insight Timer: (meditation to aid in restful sleep):

MoodKit: (tools for managing depressed mood, anxiety, and stress— find on the app store on any mobile device)

MoodTools: (self-help app targeting depression)

Panic Relief: (coping tools to move through panic attacks- find on the app store on any mobile device)

Sanvello: (stress, anxiety, and depression management on your terms)

TalkLife: (online peer to peer support network for mental health)

What’s Up: (Wanna Bounce Back? Wanna Set Goals? Wanna Drop Anger? Wanna Be Awesome? …find on the app store on any mobile device)

The Glow Recipe

From hard times to "the best times ever", sadness to incomprehensible joy, loss to gain, complex to simple, dull and mundane to bright and exciting-- you've got to find your recipe to succeed.

I'm a complicated person but in a good way. My recipe for success is probably going to be different from yours, but that's ok because we have our own lives and our own dreams/goals.

My recipe is based on a feeling:
When I feel like I'm glowing, I feel like I'm in-balance and rocking life. Without the feeling of balance, I feel off-kilter. There are additional ingredients that make my life feel more vivacious, alive, and sparkling, but for now-- let's get focus on building a foundation to "glow".

Here's my GLOW RECIPE:

1) Preparedness: Preparing myself by getting my work done, doing my homework, finishing the majority of my tasks before I start something new, buying groceries before feeling hungry, cleaning the house here-and-there before a surprise visitor might come

2) Grounding: Standing in my truth, deep breathing, intending to be the best version of me, understanding that I'm enough just as I am, remembering my core values before making decisions

3) Self-Care: Drinking enough water, giving myself time to gather my thoughts, stretch-breaks while working at my desk, eating as many nutrients as I can, enjoying treats, sleeping enough hours

4) Tribe: Surrounding myself with high-vibing people, following accounts online that support my well-being, serving as a support system while reaching-out to my trusted confidants when I need the support, giving and receiving love through kindness and care

Depending on what is happening in my life, there is much more to each of these bullet points.

Let's focus on YOUR recipe now.

1) Recipe Title: How do you want to feel? Take your top want-to-feel feeling and use that in the place of "glow". Do you want to feel amazing? Then this is your "Amazing Recipe" (and so on).

2) Ingredients: What makes you feel the way you want to feel? Take the top 4-5 things that make you feel the way you want to feel, and these will be your recipe's ingredients.

3) Ingredient Specifications: How can you incorporate these into your life today and the next day? Add these details next to each ingredient line item.

What's your recipe? I'd love to hear yours!
Email me at I promise I will not try to sell you anything. :)

I know I wasn't born to be mediocre.
Neither were you.
Sometimes we just have mediocre thoughts.
Rock your paradoxes and keep on glowing!


glow recipe work life balance glowing ready life coach advice lizstrom

Why I Almost Didn't Want To Go On Vacation

For the past week, I have been on vacation.
1) I almost didn't want to go.
2) I completely unplugged from my emails.
3) I almost didn't want to come home.
All true.

The short answer is that I got stuck in a mindset. My mind was on go-go-go mode. I felt like I had too much going on to take a vacation, even though it had been planned for quite some time. I felt I needed to stay behind my desk to accomplish more before I could take "time off". This is when I knew I really need to take time-off the most. I was putting others (and tasks) before my own well-being. I couldn't get through to the idea of relaxing, or relate to being relaxed. We shouldn't get to this point, but when we do-- it's time to unplug and take a step back.

I promised myself that, when I set foot on that cruise ship, I was going to stop worrying about work. The only way for me to set work-worries aside is to not check emails. I activated my email vacation auto-responder, stuck to my word, and let myself just relax while on my trip. It worked! I set boundaries and I stuck to what I said I'd do.

The short answer here is that I learned to relax and got used to the idea of "turning it off". I love my home so of course I wanted to return, but being able to breathe and let my mind focus on more light-heartedness made me feel alive. I also love the sun, sand, ocean, meeting people, and learning new things.

I relearned that, the more I go away, the more of me I find.

I found ME again on this vacation. Not that I'm not "me" when I'm not on vacation, I realize I'm just way more "work-me" when I'm not away and I let that Liz completely take over. I'm hardworking, organized, intelligent, educated, calculated, and so on... but I almost forgot how light-hearted, bold, daring, and fun I know I am, too!

Remember that you have to have a life to have work-life balance.

#worklifestyle #worklifebalance#lifecoach #vacation

Crown Bay, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Crown Bay, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

Celebrating Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day because it's a day to celebrate mamas and the tribe that helped them to raise our children (grandmas, aunties, sister-friends, foster mamas, et al). It takes a village! Happy Mother's Day! 💐

This day can also be difficult for others for so many reasons: yearning to be a mom, losing our moms, losing our babies, and so many other reasons. Know you are loved and I see you, too. What is lost or missing makes its way to you in other forms of love. The universe always has our backs, even if we don't quite understand the why's. Hang in there! Love, love, love to you! ❤️

🏙 Hallmark at the Create & Cultivate NYC Conference
📍Brooklyn, NY
👚@jaygodfreynyc jumpsuit

#mothersday #aunties #sisterfriends #sendinglove #happymothersday #motivation #hallmark #strongwomen #strongwoman #innerstrength #faith #theuniversehasyourback #createcultivate #thrive

Erika, @thecre8iveartisan, and Liz Strom with Hallmark at the Create & Cultivate NYC Conference 2019

Erika, @thecre8iveartisan, and Liz Strom with Hallmark at the Create & Cultivate NYC Conference 2019

Be a Legend

Living LEGENDARILY! Bragging? Nope, this is declaring. 🙌🏼

Far too often, we discount what we do in the world because we are afraid of other people's judgment or we compare ourselves to others. Comparison can be a killer!

Keep declaring your victories (no matter the size), keep living out loud in your own way, & keep being beautiful you. You're enough just as you are + you've accomplished beauteous things. Allow yourself to be proud of all you've done! 🙌🏼💗xx

🏙Industry Park
🌟Create & Cultivate Conference NYC
📍Brooklyn, NY
👚@jaygodfreynyc jumpsuit

#empowerment #iconic #legendary #createcultivatenyc #lizstrom #lifecoach  #dclifecoach   #qotd #createcultivate #ccinsider #brooklyn #fempreneur #fempreneurs  #travelgirl  #newyork #successneversleeps #iamenough #youareenough

Create & Cultivate Conference NYC 2019 | Industry City, Brooklyn, NYC

Create & Cultivate Conference NYC 2019 | Industry City, Brooklyn, NYC

Create & Cultivate's Annual NYC Conference 2019

This weekend with Create & Cultivate was legendary! I met so many amazing people, sat in on some scrumptious panel conversations, met the beauteous founder of Create & Cultivate (& author of #WorkParty), Jaclyn R. Johnson, and SO MUCH MORE! 🌟

Create and Cultivate has always been a source of empowerment, inspiration, motivation, and innovation for me, and to so many others. We learn that we must be authentic in our everyday lives, business included, and learn how to restructure our work-lives so that it feels more balanced. We got down to business at this conference, and got down at the same time. Music, Instagrammable moments, sips and bites, leadership panels, wise take-aways, and grocery bag-sized goody bags? Yes, yes, yes!

Quick takeaway: Martha Stewart filled us in on some juicy hints at how to be successful. One quote that really stuck with me was, "When you're through changing, you're through." #micdrop🎤

#createcultivate #createcultivatenyc #ccinsider #ccvip #createcultivatevip #bossbabe #workparty #successneversleeps #pinkaf #espressofied #marthastewart #jaclynjohnson #lizstrom #workhardplayhard #newyork #nyc #brooklynny #industrycity #successmindset #leadership #fempreneur

Liz Strom with the founder of Create & Cultivate, and the author of “Work Party”, Jaclyn Johnson

Liz Strom with the founder of Create & Cultivate, and the author of “Work Party”, Jaclyn Johnson

The 2019 Goddess Workshop Fundraiser

The 2019 Goddess Workshop at the Women's Day Retreat at The Zen Lounge in Manassas was outstanding!

Real, empowering, uplifting, eye-opening, informative, fun, & so much more! 🌟 #thegoddessworkshop

Yoga, meditation, noshing on the most delicious plant-based lunch, wellness vendor exhibits, impromptu soulful singing, fun dancing, self-care tips, life coaching, real-you talk, & more.

This year’s Goddess Workshop’s proceeds directly benefited women in a local shelter. Ebony Lambert (One With Ebony), Eileen Carlucci (Redesign Your Life, Life Coach), Liz Strom (Life/Career Coach and Founder of The Goddess Workshop), and Endira Stewart (SolJars) facilitated the day’s workshops and perspective-shifting talks. Such a talented group of powerhouse women!

Look out for what @zemzevents has in store: top-notch, authentic, heart-centered, beauteous times ahead!
